Friday, June 8, 2007

The Numbered Grid

I love Surrey for they way they have systematically developed their road network. (See the map image to the left) Although we have a few named streets, the avenues and streets for the most part are numbered so that its one big beautiful grid. This is a good thing right?

Maybe not... the numbered roads are great for directions and navigation but it completely takes away something from the city. "120 Street is the shady part of town" sounds odd when we are use to hearing "Hastings Street is the shady part of town." Its not just the fact Hastings Street is more heard of but the actual name gives it some 'substance' and history. The name itself evokes some feelings... numbers do not.

Does a numbered grid take away value and character from the city?

1 comment:

Knepomuk said...

Having just returned from Ireland, where the street pattern is completely "organic" (accretive) there is a ton of 'character' and very well developed senses of neighbourhood. However, it is virtually impossible for visitors (and locals) to navigate and find places. An interesting trade-off.